13 Sha'aban 1446 - 11 February 2025
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Eye of Riyadh
Healthcare | Friday 27 March, 2015 12:50 pm |

KSA needs 44,000 doctors

Saudi Arabia needs 44,000 citizen doctors, according to the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties (SCHS).
The SCHS said that in terms of the country’s strategic health plan, the aim is to have one Saudi doctor for every 500 people, a nurse for every 250 people, and one technician for every 400 individuals.
It said that there have been only 1,239 Saudi doctors operating in the country for the past two years, according to a report in a local publication, quoting a report issued by the body.
The report stated that the strategic plan seeks to train 88,000 Saudi nurses. There are now 52,458 nurses working in the Kingdom.
There is a need for an extra 55,000 technicians, compared to the 73,927 currently working.
On a related issue, the SCHS’ secretary general, Abdulaziz Al-Sa’egh, recently signed a contract to review the strategic plan of his organization with a specialized international company for five years.
The SCHS has started developing its second five-year action strategy, which will involve reviewing its first plan, assessing the functioning of the body and its branches, and comparing its work with international organizations and institutions.
The second strategy was based on a survey of the views of various bodies linked to the SCHS. In addition, two workshops were held to develop it further.
Al-Sa’egh said a recent meeting was held to determine the best way to improve the performance of health workers and facilities in the country’s public and private sectors.
Abdullah Alzhian, spokesman for the SCHS, said the meeting was held to review the organization’s strategies, develop mechanisms to register and classify workers, and improve the training environment.
The SCHS was set up 33 years ago to supervise and evaluate training programs, and set controls and standards for practicing health professions.
It is tasked with developing, approving and supervising professional health-related programs, and medical education programs.
It evaluates health institutions for the purposes of training, and supervises and approves the results of specialized examinations.

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