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Eye of Riyadh
Business & Money | Friday 23 January, 2015 1:33 am |

SEDCO Holding Group Discusses Myths and Showcasing the Real Estate Market

SEDCO Holding participates through a panel discussion and a workshop in the 8th edition of the Global Competitiveness Forum (GCF) which lasts from January 25-27th, in the Four Seasons Hotel in Riyadh. The annual Forum brings together global business leaders, international political leaders and selected intellectuals.

On this occasion, Anees Ahmed Moumina, Chief Executive Officer of SEDCO Holding Group comments: ‘We do not miss opportunities as important as the Global Competitiveness Forum. Our presence stems from our strategic long-term vision to raise public awareness around topics that matter to the betterment of our national economy. And GCF precisely enables the time and space to create a dialogue with respect to the positive impact of competitiveness on local, regional and global scales of economy and social development. And this takes place here in Saudi Arabia, whose fastest-reforming economy has seen growing momentum.’ He adds on ‘As to our participation, it is materialized through the Group’s operating companies’ contribution: SEDCO Capital, SEDCO Development and Intimaa Real Estate Services Company, all of which will contribute to many of the ideas at various levels".

SEDCO Capital’s Chief Executive Officer Hasan Al-Jabri leverages on the Group’s participation by speaking on the ‘Debunking Myths’ panel: ‘GCF offers competitive advantages and a pool of wealth alongside the possibility to network with highly experienced experts. Driving such forums will elevate the spirit of competitiveness among the various economic sectors which will undoubtedly return its benefits to our communities" he said.

The Group also participates through a workshop which will discuss the various factors that impact the highly dynamic real-estate market ranging from geographic considerations to economic developments. Also discussed, will be the drivers behind real estate market changes and the possible outlook of the real estate market. The outlook will highlight the potential real-estate market performance across key real estate sectors and across several geographic bands that exhibit varying levels of public and private activity. Sameer Kazi, Head of Corporate Real Estate Investments at SEDCO Holding, the forum will highlight the opportunities available to investors while identifying nonetheless the challenges that the local market faces, as we showcase real estate legislations and elaborate on the role of the public sector to create competition. In conclusion, participants can hope to get a better understanding and local expertise on a major component of the Saudi Arabian business landscape’.

It’s worth noting that the 2015 Global Competitiveness Forum gathers personalities from over 22 countries to discuss the positive impact organizational and national competitiveness can have on local, regional and global economic and social development, through speaking sessions regrouping more than 70 speakers under the theme of ‘competitive governments’.
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